
聖ピオ十世会司祭各位への公開質問状 3/28



   昨年4月15日に聖ピオ十世会総務会がローマ教皇庁の教会当局者宛てに送った "the Doctrinal Declaration" 教理に関する宣言)が最近公表されましたが,その内容はこれまで私たちの抱いてきた最悪の懸念(けねん)が当たっていたことを確認するものでした.私たちは宣言の内容を知るのに1年近く待たされました.聖ピオ十世会の現指導部(げんしどうぶ)がルフェーブル大司教の定めた方向から離れ第二バチカン公会議の考え方,理想に向かって本気で進もうとしていることがこれで明確になりました.



   I 「カトリック教会」および「ローマ教皇」に対し約束する忠誠はいまや容易に公会議派教会および公会議派教皇への忠誠に誤(あやま)り導(みちび)かれかねません.これを避けるためには,両者間の違いをはっきりさせることが必要です.

   II Lumen Gentium #25 (「教会憲章」第25項〈または章〉)に基づく教導権の教えを受け入れることは,とりわけ同宣言がその脚注で触(ふ)れているローマの1989年信経( "Rome's 1989 Profession of Faith" )とのからみから,第二バチカン公会議の教理をも受け入れることを求められると容易に解釈できます.

   III,1 Lumen Gentium, chapter III (「教会憲章」第3章)に述べられている the College of Bishops (枢機卿会)に関する第二バチカン公会議の教えを受け入れることは,たとえ Nota Praevia (予備注記)があっても,"Conciliar collegiality"(公会議派の同僚性)と教会の民主化を受け入れる方向への重要な一歩となります.

   III,2 教導権( "the Magisterium" )を ヨハネの黙示録( "Revelation" )の唯一正当な解釈者と認めることは伝統派が公会議派に屈(くっ)する重大な危険を冒(おか)すことになります.両者間の解釈のかい離(り)が自動的に否定される場合はとくに危険です(以下に述べるIII-5をご参照ください).

   III,3 伝統は「黙示録の生きた伝承者」( "the living transmission of Revelation" )だとする定義はきわめて曖昧(あいまい)です.その曖昧さは教会についての不明瞭(ふめいりょう)な言葉と,同じように曖昧な Dei Verbum #8 (「神の啓示に関する教義憲章」 第8 )(後述)からの引用だけによってのみ確認できるものです.

   III,4 第二バチカン公会議は伝統を「さらに深め」そして「よりはっきり見えるようにする」ことで,それに「光を当てる」べきとする提案はまさにヘーゲル派哲学的です(いつから相反する者同士が互いに相手を排除することなく説明しあうようになったのでしょうか?).この提案は伝統を捻(ひね)り回して公会議の持つ多くの嘘(うそ)に適合するよう改(かい)ざんしようとする危険をはらんでいます.

   III,5 第二バチカン公会議のもろもろの奇抜(きばつ)さは伝統の視点に立って解釈すべきだが,両者間に相違(そうい)があることを示唆(しさ)する解釈は一切受け入れないという言い方は気違い沙汰(きちがいざた)です(シャツはすべて青色でなければならないが,白くないシャツは青色だと解釈するというのです!).この狂気(きょうき)はまさに教皇ベネディクト16世の言う「解釈学的継続性」( "Hermeneutic of continuity" )にほかなりません.

   III,6 第二バチカン公会議の奇抜さを神学論争のまっとうな検討課題と評価するのは,その弊害(へいがい)を著(いちじる)しく過小評価することになります.その奇抜さは単に非難に値するだけです.

   III,7  "The new sacramental Rites" (新しい諸秘跡の典礼) が公式に発布されたと判断するのは大いに誤解を招くおそれがあります."the New Order of Mass" (新しい形式ミのサ典礼) はそれが真実の法( "a true law" )となれば,とくに教会の公益(こうえき)にとって有害となります.

   III,8 "the New Code of Canon Law" (新しい教会法典) を教会の法として「尊重する約束」( "the promise to respect" )は,教会の教理に反するとおもわれる多数の法を尊重するようなものです.


   10項目の初めの2項目と最後の3項目は大まかに言えばルフェーブル大司教ご自身が1988年5月5日に出された文書( "the Archbishop’s own Protocol of May 5, 1988" )から取り入れたものだから,宣言自体は大司教の教えに忠実なものだと言わせないようにしましょう.大司教ご自身は,聖ピオ十世会が伝統擁護(ようご)を続けるにはあまりにも多くの譲歩(じょうほ)をし過ぎたと認められ,翌5月6日に文書そのものを否定されましたが,この事実は広く知られています.

   同宣言はすでに聖ピオ十世会総長によって「撤回されている」( "withdrawn" )のだから,危険は終わったことという言い方も誤りです.宣言は同会上層部の間に根付いたリベラルな考え方から生まれた有毒な果実です.この考え方は承認されていませんし,まして撤回(てっかい)もされていません.



   ルフェーブル大司教が信仰の世界の砦(とりで)として作られた聖ピオ十世会に身を置くすべての者に対し,私たちの主(イエズス・キリスト)は(新約聖書)ヨハネ聖福音書,第6章67節( "John, VI, 67" )にある質問をお示しになります.「あなたたちも(私のもとから)去っていきたいか?」

   あなた方のどなたにもすべてに私は喜んでキリストにおけるあなた方の僕(しもべ)としての the episcopal blessing (司教の祝福)を捧(ささ)げます.


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28 March 2013


        Reverend and dear Fathers,

        The recent publication of the Doctrinal Declaration, addressed by the General Council of the Society of St Pius X to the Church authorities in Rome on April 15 last year, confirms our worst fears. We waited for nearly a year to know what it contains. It proves once and for all that the present leadership of the Society of St Pius X means to lead it away from the direction set for it by Archbishop Lefebvre, and towards the ideas and ideals of the Second Vatican Council.

        However busy you may be with the daily ministry, this is bound to concern you because it means that the souls under your care are, through you, coming under Superiors meaning to lead them and yourselves towards, even into, the great apostasy of modern times. We recall that it is Superiors who mould their subjects and not the other way around – have we not observed a number of good Society priests, one after another, giving up the fight for the Faith as we know Archbishop Lefebvre led it, and instead going with the flow, with the strong and very different current flowing for some years now from the top of the Society downwards ?

        Detailed analysis will confirm the danger of each of the Declaration’s ten paragraphs, as outlined only briefly below:--

        I Fidelity promised to the “Catholic Church” and to the “Roman Pontiff” can easily be misdirected today towards the Conciliar Church as such, and to the Conciliar Pontiffs. Distinctions are needed to avoid confusion.

        II Acceptance of teachings of the Magisterium in accordance with Lumen Gentium # 25 can easily be understood, especially in conjunction with Rome’s 1989 Profession of Faith which is mentioned in a footnote of the Declaration, as requiring acceptance of Vatican II doctrines.

        III,1 Acceptance of Vatican II teaching on the College of Bishops as contained in Lumen Gentium, chapter III, is, despite the “Nota Praevia”, a significant step towards accepting Conciliar collegiality and the democratisation of the Church. III,2 Recognition of the Magisterium as sole authentic interpreter of Revelation runs a grave risk of submitting Tradition to the Council, especially when the interpretation of any break between them is automatically to be rejected (cf. III,5 below).

        III,3 The definition of Tradition as “the living transmission of Revelation” is highly ambiguous, and its ambiguity is only confirmed by the vague words about the Church, and by the quotation from the equally ambiguous Dei Verbum #8, which follow.

        III,4 The proposition that Vatican II should “throw light” on Tradition by “deepening” it and “making it more explicit”, is thoroughly Hegelian (since when did contradictories explain and not exclude one another ?), and it risks falsifying Tradition by twisting it to fit the multiple falsehoods of the Council.

        III,5 The statement that the novelties of Vatican II must be interpreted in the light of Tradition, but that no interpretation implying any break between the two is acceptable, is madness (All shirts are to be blue, but any non-blue shirt must be taken to be blue !). This madness is none other than that of Benedict XVI’s “Hermeneutic of continuity”.

        III,6 Giving credit to the novelties of Vatican II as being legitimate matter of theological debate is gravely to underestimate their harmfulness. They are fit only to be condemned.

        III,7 The judgment that the new sacramental Rites were legitimately promulgated is gravely misleading. The New Order of Mass especially is much too harmful to the common good of the Church to be a true law.

        III,8 The “promise to respect” as Church law the New Code of Canon Law is to respect a number of supposed laws directly contrary to Church doctrine.

        Reverend Fathers, whoever studies these ten paragraphs in the original text can only conclude that their author or authors have given up the Archbishop’s fight for Tradition, and have gone over in their minds to Vatican II. Do you wish yourself and your flock to be moulded by such Superiors ?

        Nor let it be said that the first two and last three of the ten paragraphs are broadly taken from the Archbishop’s own Protocol of May 5, 1988, so that the Declaration is faithful to him. It is well known that on May 6 he repudiated that Protocol because he himself recognized that it made too many concessions for the Society to be able to continue defending Tradition.

        Another error is to say that the danger is over because the Declaration has been “withdrawn” by the Superior General. The Declaration is the poisoned fruit of what has become a liberal mind-set at the top of the Society, and that mind-set has not been recognized, let alone retracted.

        A third misconception is to say that since no agreement has been signed with the apostates of Rome, then there is no further problem. The problem is less the agreement than the desire of any agreement that will grant to the Society official recognition, and that desire is still very much there. Following the whole modern world and the Conciliar Church, the Society’s leadership seems to have lost its grip on the primacy of truth, especially Catholic Truth.

        Reverend Fathers, “What cannot be cured must be endured.” Blind leaders are a punishment from God. However, the least that you can do about this disastrous Declaration is to study it for yourselves with everything that led up to it, otherwise you will lose your Society without realizing it, just as the mass of Catholics lost their Church with Vatican II, and did not realize it. Then having made the disaster clear in your own mind, you must tell the truth to your Society flock, namely the danger in which your Superiors are placing their faith and therewith their eternal salvation.

        To all of us in that Society which Archbishop Lefebvre made into a worldwide fortress of the Faith, Our Lord is now putting the question of John, VI, 67 : “Will you also leave me ?”

        To any and all of you I gladly impart the episcopal blessing of your servant in Christ,

        +Richard Williamson, Nova Friburgo, Maundy Thursday, 2013.

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