
502 移民宗教 2/25

エレイソン・コメンツ 第502回 (2017年2月25日)

White European males abandon God ? 
Blacks, Muslims, females, Jews serve as His rod !

私は先週のエレイソン・コメンツで、進行中の非ヨーロッパ人移民のヨーロッパへの大量移動の陰にグローバル勢力( "a Global Power" )の存在があり,そこで宗教が「決定的な」意味を持つと述べました.そうだとすると,二つの疑問が生じます.その勢力とは一体誰でどのようなものなのか?そして,宗教がどのようにしてそうした政治的問題に入り込みうるのか?
So there is a Gobal Power behind the on-going flood of non-European immigrants into Europe, and religion is “decisive” in that flood – so said last week's “Eleison Comments”. Then two questions arise – who or what is that power ? And how can religion enter into such a political question ? 

グローバル勢力の正体について,ハンガリー人経済学者(訳注:ラズロ・ボガー博士)はその点を明らかにせずに存在は確かだとしています.たが,その正体はインターネット上で容易にアクセスできます(抹消されていなければですが…).そこには,2010年に撮影された興味深いながらも恐ろしい内容のインタビューがわずか数分に要約されています.この中で,ユダヤ人の一女性がヨーロッパの多文化的変貌を主導しているのはユダヤ人だと断言しています.この女性バーバラ・スペクター( "Barbara Spectre" )は1942年米国で生まれ,同国で哲学を修め,1967年からイスラエルで教育専門家として活動した後,1999年にストックホルム・シナゴーグのラビだった夫に合流するためスウェーデンに移住しました.ビデオを見れば分かりますが,進行中のヨーロッパの変貌の陰で糸を引いているのが誰なのかを彼女が強要されて明かしているわけでないことは明白のようです.むしろ,彼女はその変貌とそのためにユダヤ人がヨーロッパで行っていることを良いことだと心から信じています.なぜなら,彼女は移民の侵攻がヨーロッパの生き残りを可能にする唯一の方法だと主張しているからです.以下に彼女自身の言葉を紹介します.
As to the identity of that Global Power, of whose existence the Hungarian economist was so sure without his ever being willing to identify it, there is easily accessible on the Internet (unless it has been smothered) a fascinating and frightening clip from an interview filmed in 2010, only a few minutes long, in which a Jewess claims that it is the Jews who are leading the multi-cultural transformation of Europe. Barbara Spectre was born in the USA in 1942, graduated in philosophical studies in the USA, was active as a professional educator from 1967 in Israel, and in1999 emigrated to Sweden to join her husband who was Rabbi there of the Stockholm Synagogue. If one watches the clip, it seems evident that nobody is forcing her to reveal who is behind the transformation of Europe now taking place. Rather she sincerely believes in that transformation and in what the Jews are doing to Europe, because she claims that the immigrant invasion will alone enable Europe to survive. Here are her own words :–

「現時点でヨーロッパはどうすれば多文化的に変われるかを学んでいないため,反ユダヤ主義がそこで復活しているように思います.私は私たちユダヤ人がどうしても起きなければならないヨーロッパの変貌の苦しみの一部になれるだろうと考えています.ヨーロッパは前世紀までのように一枚岩の社会にとどまることはできないでしょう.ユダヤ人はその変貌の中心に立つでしょう.それはヨーロッパが成し遂げるべき大きな変貌です.ヨーロッパ諸国はいまや多文化的モードに入っており,ユダヤ人はそこで指導的役割を果たすため快く思われることはないでしょう.だが,その指導的役割と変貌がなければ,ヨーロッパは生き残れないでしょう.」https://youtu.be/8ERmOpZrKtw をご覧ください).
“I think there is a resurgence of antisemitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” (See https://youtu.be/8ERmOpZrKtw )

そこにはグローバル勢力にいついての疑問に対する納得のゆく答えがあります.30年以上イスラエルの大学で活躍,熱心なユダヤ主義者であり,ラビの妻であるバーバラ・スペクター.彼女はユダヤ人がヨーロッパのために計画してきたことを,移民侵攻が洪水のようになる何年も前に容易に知ることができたでしょう.そして,ハンガリー人経済学者の言う移民の洪水を起こすための五つの要素をユダヤ人がすべてマスターしていることを見れば,グローバル勢力の正体すなわちユダヤ人の力だという理解は極めてもっともらしく思えます.だが,ユダヤ人はなぜ「一枚岩」のヨーロッパを「多文化的」ヨーロッパに変えようとするのでしょうか?その答えは単純な政治学の領域をはるかに超越したところにあるひとつの原動力( "a driving force" )です.
Here is a convincing answer to the question of the identity of the Global Power. Active at university level for over 30 years in Israel, ardent Zionist and wife of a Rabbi, Barbara Spectre could easily know what Jews were planning for Europe, years before the immigrant invasion of Europe became today's flood. And Jewish mastery of all five elements named by the Hungarian economist as being necessary to set up a flood of immigrants makes the identification of his "Global Power" with Jewish power entirely plausible. But why would Jews want to turn "monolithic" Europe into "multi-culti" Europe ? The answer is a driving force that goes far behind and above mere politics.

パリサイ人とユダヤ教書士たち( "the Pharisees and Scribes" )は彼らの領土内の神の民たちをカトリック信仰に改心させたとの理由で私たちの主イエズス・キリストを十字架にかけました.それ以来,彼らは2千年近くにわたりキリストの教会を迫害してきました(モーリス・ピネの「教会に対する陰謀」をお読みください).ユダヤ人指導者たちはいまだに自分たちが世界を統治する比類ない天賦の才と権利を有していると信じています.ところで,旧約聖書は神から発したものなのに,それに取って代わった新約聖書に直に注意を向けます.そのため,パリサイ人の後継者たちは旧約聖書を捻じ曲げて,明らかに反キリスト教的なタルムード(訳注:ユダヤ教の律法,道徳,習慣などをまとめたもの)を作らざるをえませんでした.それ故,タルムード信仰は偽の宗教です.しかし,それはキリスト教の抹殺(まっさつ)を目的としたパリサイ人たちの古代からの運動に宗教まがいの支えと力を与えてきました.
Ever since the Pharisees and Scribes crucified Our Lord Jesus Christ because he was turning God's people from theirs by race into His by Catholic faith, they have persecuted His Church for nearly two millennia (read Maurice Pinay's The Plot against the Church ). Still today Jewish leaders believe in their unique God-given gifts and rights to govern the world. Now the Old Testament did come from God, but it points straight to the New Testament which replaced it, and so the successors of the Pharisees had to twist the Old Testament into the Talmud, which is viciously anti-Christian. Therefore Talmudism is a false religion, but it has given pseudo-religious backing and power to the age-old Pharisaic drive to kill off Christianity.

Now Christ's Church was born and bred in the Middle East, and spread rapidly all around the Mediterranian Sea, but when the Middle East and North Africa fell to Islam, then the Faith was upheld and spread world-wide mainly by Europeans, of the white race, and divided by Providence into the variety of European nations. Thus St Francis Xavier in India begged St Ignatius to send to him from Europe European priests to act as missionaries. Hence the quasi-religious hatred of the Pharisees' successors for the white nations of Europe, and hence the Jews' "multi-culti" drive to dilute that white race and dissolve the "monolithic" nations of Europe. And unless these nations turn back to God and His one true Church, His Justice risks allowing that drive to succeed, unless His Mercy interrupts it...
                                                                             Kyrie eleison.



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本投稿記事・第502回エレイソン・コメンツ「移民宗教」(2017年2月25日付)/ELEISON COMMENTS DII (February 25, 2017) : "MIGRATION RELIGION" は2017年3月06日19時00に掲載されました.
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501 移民政治 2/18

エレイソン・コメンツ 第501回 (2017年2月18日) 

Let Whites and Muslims fight, in deadly war ! 
Then we can rule, as we could not before.

ハンガリーの元政治家で現在は指導的な経済学者であるラズロ・ボガー博士は,昨年末ドイツ・ケルンで移民による非行事件が起きた1週間後,ハンガリーのテレビに出演し,依然としてヨーロッパ全土で続く移民侵略問題の根源がどこにあるのか解明しようと試みました( "youtu.be/TKpe4swiVOc" をご覧ください).彼は問題の政治的根源を分析する中で世論に乗じて,侵略の背景にあるのは命名のしようのないグローバル勢力( "the Unnameable Global Power" )だとまで言い切りました.だが,彼は決定的要因である宗教的根源については全く触れませんでした.もっとも,今日,宗教が世界の何かにとって依然として役立ちうると考える人が果たしているでしょうか?それでも,私はそのような有害な勢力が実在すること,そしてその害悪を中和できるのは真のカトリック教会だけであることをエレイソン・コメンツの読者に考えて欲しいと思います.以下にボガー博士の分析を要約して紹介します.
Discussing a week later on Hungarian television the misbehaviour of migrants in Cologne at the end of last year, a former politician and leading economist of Hungary, Dr. László Bogár, attempted to uncover the roots of the problem of the immigrant invasion, still continuing in Europe, see — youtu.be/TKpe4swiVOc . His analysis of the political roots goes as far as public opinion allows him to go in naming the Unnameable Global Power behind the invasion, but he gets nowhere near the religious roots, which are decisive. Yet who today still thinks that religion counts for anything in the world ? It is to be hoped that readers of these “Comments” can both conceive that this baneful Power exists, and that the true Catholic Church can alone neutralize the bane. Here follows in italics Dr Bogár's analysis, shortened and adapted:–


グローバル勢力は人間的なあらゆるもの,尊厳を持つあらゆるものを破壊しようと望みます.そして,ヨーロッパの白人( "the European White Man" は依然としてそのようなものを多く持ち続けているため,グローバル勢力はヨーロッパの白人を壊滅させようとします.そのため,それは膨大な資源の助けをかりて大量の移民たちをヨーロッパに注ぎ込んでいます.多少なりと分別をわきまえた人なら,数百万の移民を数千マイル離れたところに素早く送り込むには多くの物が必要なことは容易に分かるでしょう.
A Global Power wishes to annihilate all that is humane, all that has dignity. And since the European White Man still possesses too much of this, it wants to annihilate the European White Man. Therefore it is pumping over to Europe a mass of alien migrants with the aid of gigantic resources. For indeed it should be obvious to anyone with a grain of sense that for the relatively quick pumping of millions of people across thousands of kilometres, a number of things are needed.

Firstly, to finance the operation, let us say a minimum of ten billion dollars. Secondly, to direct and control the pumping, a minimum of a few thousand strictly secret agents, and if ever a light was occasionally shone on this skilfully disguised operation, then thirdly, the media were needed to repair the disguise in a hurry. Fourthly, to organize the operation, the complete collaboration of the global crime syndicate was indispensable with its tens of thousands of human smugglers to handle the migrants. And finally the cynical collaboration of Europe’s top politicians was needed, like the British Prime Minister who visited us here today, and the leaders of France and Germany, all of whom participated likewise in the destruction of Libya and Syria. Besides creating the chaos, these leaders have proudly announced that they are doing it in the name of Europe, of Western culture, of democracy. Here are the true culprits of the horror that we just saw in Cologne, and something whispers to me that this is just a faint prelude to something much more sinister...

The truth is that Europe is being dragged into a conflict just as brutal as WWI and WWII, by the same Global Power. In effect, Europe is letting itself be dragged into a third World War. The invasion of migrants is just the final product of a huge hidden process. Now one may counteract the horror at the end of the process, but if we do not understand the process itself and choke it off at its roots within the global power structure, then horrors such as the migrant invasion will only continue. Unfortunately, international cooperation is needed here, but the reality is that Hungary's leader, Viktor Orban, has been virtually on his own. When Libya was being bombed to Hell, he was the ONLY European politician to voice his worries and reservations about what the strategic consequences would be. Very, very few other politicians voiced the same concerns. Therefore Hungary had to step up to the plate, and that is why we are under constant attack. In Hungary we need not fight a civil war because we have closed our frontiers, but now we must wait for the other nations of Europe to do the same.

Alas, when it comes to uprooting the process of which the migrant horrors in Europe's cities are merely the rotten fruits, sad to say, Europe is already utterly defeated. The process can only lead to a civil war. BUT THAT IS THE GOAL. This is what this Global Power wants. The Global Power wants above all a brutal never-ending 30 years war, just like the devastating 30 Years' War of the 17th century (which was the same Global Power's work). It wants precisely a civil war, stretching for decades, to develop in Europe.




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本投稿記事・第501回エレイソン・コメンツ「移民政治」(2017年2月18日付)/ELEISON COMMENTS DI (February 18, 2017) : "MIGRATION POLITICS" は2017年2月28日18時00分に掲載されました.
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