
エレイソン・コメンツ 第680回(2020年7月25日)ドレクセルの危機


新世界秩序ですって? 最悪をもたらすがいい
カトリック教徒がなすべきはただ一つ - 神を最優先することです

The New World Order ? Let it do its worst.
Catholics need but one thing – put God first.

私たちの主(と信じてよい方)がオーストリア人の司祭で大学教授だったアルベルト・ドレクスル神父に彼の著書「信仰は服従より偉大」にあるお言葉(the Messages)を与えられた1970年代には,カトリック教伝統派は第二バチカン公会議が理由でまだ依然として深く信用を失ったままの状態でした.カトリック教徒たちはひたすら自分たちの司祭からひどく裏切られたのが信じられないとの思いでした.伝統派が私たちの主の教会内で当然持つべき卓越性を取り戻したのは長年経ってからのことでした.神のお言葉を取り上げる今回の「エレイソン・コメンツ」の短い連載の始めに,まずいくつかのお言葉をご紹介します.それは,前代未聞で今も続いている教会のドラマに深くかかわる内容です.
In the 1970’s when Our Lord (as one may believe) gave to the Austrian priest and Professor Fr. Albert Drexel the Messages contained in the booklet Faith is Greater than Obedience, Catholic Tradition was still deeply discredited because of Vatican II. Catholics simply could not believe that they had been so betrayed by their own priests. Only many years later would Tradition begin to regain the primacy due to it in the Church of Our Lord. As first of a little series of these “Comments” drawn from the Messages, here are a few to show how relevant they were and are to the unprecedented and ongoing drama of the Church.


信心深い信徒の数は少なくなるだろう.だが,彼らの恐れを知らぬ信仰告白は世の光のように輝くだろう.そして,三位一体の力と恩寵による祝福を受けるだろう.聖体拝領(ユーカリストの犠牲=「世の罪を贖い給う犠牲の生贄(いけにえ)としての神の子羊となられた神の御独り子」"The Eucharistic sacrifice") は神の神殿が汚されて(けがされて)きた場所,すなわち個々の家庭で褒め讃え(ほめたたえ)られるだろう.
September 4, 1970.
The number of the faithful shall become small, but their fearless profession of the faith shall shine like a light in the world, and will be blessed by the power and the grace of the Holy Trinity. The Eucharistic sacrifice shall be celebrated in private homes, in places where the temple of God has been desecrated.

反逆者たち("the rebels")の中に,聖別された教会の僕(しもべ)たちを多く見ることになるだろう.この者たちはこの私(訳注・ここで「私〈 "Me" 〉」とは唯一の神の御独り子すなわち唯一の救世主(=キリスト・メシア)なるイエズスを指す)に対して神の愛ではなく最大の苦悩をもって挨拶をした裏切り者の弟子ユダがしたとおり偽りの接吻をもって私を裏切ったユダの罪を自らおかしている.そして,職務に任じられながら弱く成り下がったこれら牧者たち(司教たち)故に,真に信心深い信徒たちは,そうした聖職者たちが無視し,失ってしまった祈り,葛藤(かっとう),苦痛を補(おぎな)わなければならなくなるだろう.だから私は祈りを捧げる人々,犠牲となった人々を深い思いやりをもって見守る.こうした人々の心の悩みは大きい.だが,死後に彼らを待ち受けている愛は大きく美しいものだろう.
November 6, 1970.
Among the rebels, one can find more and more of the consecrated servants of the Church. These are the ones who make themselves guilty of the sin of Judas, who gave Me with his kiss not love, but the greatest pain. And because of the shepherds (bishops) who were appointed to their office and who became weak, the truly faithful have to supplement with their prayers, their struggles, and sufferings what these priests have neglected and missed. Therefore, I look with great compassion upon the praying people and the victim souls. Their suffering is great in their heart, but magnificent and beautiful shall be the love that is awaiting them at the threshold of eternity.

多くの人々は私の従者や真の教会から離れて行くだろう.なぜなら彼らは三位一体の神への信仰を失い,邪悪な聖職者や宣教者によって誤り導かれ盲目にされてきたからだ.こうした高慢で不誠実な者たちは超自然,神秘,祈りのない宗教について語る.彼らは人間 ("about man") についてだけ語り,もはや ("about God") については語らない!  彼らは神の慈悲をくつがえし隣人愛を最優先する.だが,彼らはひどい厚かましさをもって神への愛を忘れ,失い,否定する.彼らは新教会なるものを設立しようとしているが,そこでは世の中と人間がすべてで,神 ("about God") と天国 ("Heaven") は無意味なところだ.
June 4, 1971.
Numerous people shall turn away from My one and true Church, because they have lost faith in the triune God, and have been misled and blinded by wicked priests and teachers. These proud and disloyal ones speak about a religion without the supernatural, without mystery and prayer. They speak only about man and no longer about God!  They turn charity upside down and give primacy to love of neighbor, but forget, lose, and deny love toward God with outrageous presumption. They try to found a Newchurch, in which the world and man mean everything – and God and Heaven nothing.

神の恩寵を忠実に信じる人たちはこのことを悲しむべきだろうか?私自身エルサレムについて嘆いたのは事実だ.その住民が私の恩寵を拒んだからだ.だが,信仰を持つ子供たちは,太陽の讃歌("canticle of the sun")をもって天国を讃えた聖フランチェスコのように喜ぶべきだし,私への愛に満たされ創造の園を楽しそうに笑いながら歩いた聖テレジアのように幸せだと感じるべきだ.これが私の意思であり,父なる神の御意志だ.
July 7, 1972.
Should those who are faithful and loyal in grace be sad about this? It is true that I Myself wept over Jerusalem, because its inhabitants rejected My grace. Yet it is My will and that of the Father, that the children of the faith should be joyous, like Saint Francis, who praised Heaven with his canticle of the sun, or happy like the young Saint Therese, who, filled with love of Me, happily and smilingly walked through the garden of creation.

教区の登録簿に名前が載っている多くの教会の人々は神聖とはなにか,聖人とはどのような人かについての感覚を失っている.祭壇(さいだん),霊魂に仕えるよう任じられた聖職者たちは世間に目を転じ,神の戒律を忘れ軽蔑し,世間の危険な霊魂を讃える.ますます多くの人々は聖ヨハネが末世における「バビロンの売春婦」("Harlot of Babylon")と呼んだ道徳的堕落の魔力に堕ちて行く.ローマでの私の歴然たる後継者(教皇)が教会信仰の崩壊,解消について述べたこと言えばただ苦情,非難だけである.
May 4, 1973.
Numerous people of the Church, whose names are registered in parish registers, have lost the sense of what is Holy and who are the saints. Priests consecrated to the service of the altar and to souls turn to the world and forget and despise the commandments of God, and pay homage to a dangerous spirit of the world. More and more people fall under the attraction of a moral corruption, that Saint John names the 'Harlot of Babylon' in the Apocalypse. What My visible successor in Rome said about the disintegration and dissolution of faith in the Church is his grievance and his accusation.

December 7, 1973.
The prayer of the faithful shall triumph over the talks and gatherings of those who are cold in faith. Yet, those faithful to God are still suffering, but they should know and consider that the sacrifices of their suffering are bringing down blessings upon the Church. Those who suffer this way shall share eternal glorification with Me, and the love of My Heart.
Kyrie eleison.



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聖フランチェスコ(1181-1226):San Francesco イタリアのローマ公教会の修道士.フランチェスコ会修道院を創立した.

聖テレジア(1873-1897):Sainte Thérèse フランスのカルメル会修道女.「幼きイエズスの聖テレジア」,「小さき花」とも呼ばれる.ローマ公教会の聖人.教会博士の一人.



679 ドレクセルの復帰 7/18/2020

エレイソン・コメンツ 第679回(2020年7月18日):ドレクスルの復帰

When shepherds lose authority by lies 
Each sheep for guidance on itself relies. 

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was a huge event in Church history, designed by its movers and shakers to deceive a mass of Catholics, clergy and laity, into replacing the true Catholic Church with their own Newchurch, adapted to modern times. But the agony for believing Catholics from then on was that the betrayal of Catholic Truth had come from the true Church authorities, whom they had learned from their Catholic cradles always to obey and never to criticise. Even Our Lord and Our Lady when they spoke to human beings would, to avoid scandalising Catholic souls, rarely criticise their own priests.

だが,「信仰は従順より偉大」("Faith is greater than Obedience")(ドレクスル神父の著書)がとりわけ着目しているのはこの点です. というのは,もしこの著書にある私たちの主の御言葉("Messages")が同神父の言うとおり本当に彼を通して主から寄せられたとすれば,神御自身が公会議から生まれた新教会に責任のある司教,神学者,司祭たちを厳しく批判し,カトリック教信徒たちには聖職者を決して批判しないという本来の義務を守らなくてよいと述べられているからです.神はここでカトリック教信徒に対し,全てではないにせよ多くの牧者たちが狼に変わってしまった,と語られています.神の御言葉("The Messages")はこう仰せられます.「私はあなたたち忠実な者(=霊魂)たち(=真の神への信仰を守る信徒たち)が悩み苦しんでいる苦悩がどのようなものかを知っている( "…what agony you faithful souls are suffering" ).だが、あなたたちの信仰を堅持し,こうした裏切り者たちにあなたたちの信仰を変えさせないようにしなさい.彼らは間違っており,あなたたちは正しいのだ.時が経てば分かる.耐え続ければ,あなたがたの受ける報い(=褒美)は大きなものになるだろう.」と.
But here was the particular interest of Faith is greater than Obedience. For if these Messages which came through Fr Drexel truly came from Our Lord Himself, as they purported to do, then here was God Himself scathing in His criticism of the bishops, theologians and priests responsible for the Newchurch emerging from the Council, and obviously dispensing Catholics from their normal duty never to criticise priests. Here was God telling Catholics that a mass of their shepherds – not all – had turned into wolves. “I know what agony you faithful souls are suffering,” say the Messages, “but hold on to your faith and do not let these traitors change it. They are wrong, you are right, as time will tell, and great will be your reward if you persevere.”

Such a message was apt to solve one agony of true believers after the Council, but it was apt also to create another agony: what then of the unfaithful Church authorities ? In particular, what of the Pope ? The popular perception of papal infallibility goes way beyond the reach of its strict definition in 1870 with the four conditions. Then how could John XXIII have convened the Council of wolves, and how could Paul VI have guided it to its conclusion and presided over its being put into practice afterwards ? This agony is such that many serious and believing Catholics from the end of the 1970’s, soon after Fr Drexel died, began resorting to sedevacantism for instance, whereby the Conciliar Popes have not been true Popes at all. The solution of Fr Drexel’s Messages is rather that Paul VI was not himself one of the wolves. He is clearly criticised (in at least two of the Messages), but he also had good intentions, he was not aware of all that his subordinates were doing, he agonised over what was happening to the Church.

Yet one must say that Paul VI’s personal responsibility for the Conciliar disaster was huge. Then some followers of Catholic Tradition will draw the conclusion that Fr Drexel’s “Our Lord” was certainly not truly Our Lord, but emerged somehow from Fr Drexel’s own “pious” reflections. In that case we would explain the leniency of the Messages towards Paul VI as being the solution of many “good” bishops and priests at the time to their agony, namely, the Conciliar bishops were terrible but not the Pope himself. On the other hand if the Messages did come from Our Lord Himself, then one might guess that Our Lord was being lenient in them towards Paul VI maybe in order to head off the reaction of Catholics being tempted more or less to despair of Our Lord’s own structural Church – He Himself was saying that he was still behind it, and He needed to say nothing untrue in order to say that.

神意に適うとすれば(=神の御意志に適うならば,神の御心ならば."Deo volente" (ラテン語)),今回の「エレイソン・コメンツ」に続き,「信仰は従順より偉大」を基に短いシリーズをまとめるつもりです.1970年代にドレクスル神父に与えられた神の御言葉に価値があると思うからです.シリーズで取り上げる主題は,教会の危機,司教たち,教皇パウロ六世の3つで,いずれも著書で触れられているものです.神の御言葉が実際に私たちの主御自身から出たものかどうか,「エレイソン・コメンツ」の読者はより正確に判断出来るようになるでしょう.いずれにせよ,読者たちがこの教会の危機を前に意を決しなければならないのは明白です.
Deo volente, this issue of these “Comments” is prelude to a second little series drawn from Faith is Greater than Obedience because of the value found by these “Comments” in the Messages given to Fr Drexel in the 1970’s. There should be three issues, on the Church Crisis, the Bishops and Paul VI, all as presented in Faith is greater than Obedience. Whether the Messages did then come from Our Lord Himself or not, readers of these “Comments” should be better able to judge. In any case it is clear that in this Church crisis they must make up their own minds.

キリエ・エレイソン(=主よ 憐れみ給え)
Kyrie eleison.
