
441 家庭の比喩 12/26

エレイソン・コメンツ 第441回 (2015年12月26日)


Two families can both have one man for head –
So can two churches by one Pope be led.

議論はうまくいけば物事を解明しますが,比喩はせいぜい物事を説明するだけにとどまります.だが,比喩は物事を解明しないまでも,私たちが知ることから得る多くの光を知らないことへ投げかけてくれます.半世紀近く続くいまの教会の危機について言えば,日が経つにつれ,それがますます分かりにくくなるため,私たちはできるだけ多くの光を得て,それに投げかける必要があります.以下にご紹介するのは,伝統派に改宗したある人物から私に最近寄せられた有意義な比喩です.彼は,伝統派教会と公会議派教会すなわち新教会( "Newchurch" )を取り上げ,それぞれを同じ男性から生じた正規の家庭と非正規の家庭に例えています,この比喩を男性の結婚,権威,子供たちに当てはめて考えてみましょう.
Whereas arguments at best prove, comparisons at best illustrate. So comparisons do not prove but they can throw a lot of light from what one does know onto what one does not know. Now concerning the present crisis of the Church, half a century old, we need all the light we can get, because with each day that passes it becomes less and not more understandable. So here is a fruitful comparison sent to me recently by a recent convert to Tradition. He compares the Catholic Church and the Conciliar Church, or the Newchurch, to the legitimate and illegitimate families of one and the same man. Let us apply the comparison to his marriage, to his authority and to his children. 

By a lawful marriage to his true wife a man starts a family and has legitimate children. But after a while he is unfaithful to her and divorces her to live with his mistress, by adultery with whom he also has children, who are bastards. Similarly by a Cardinal’s lawful canonical election as Pope, the Cardinal becomes the legitimate father of the Catholic Church and the spiritual father by the true Faith of a multitude of true Catholics. But after a while as a Conciliar Pope he goes whoring after the modern world, and by adultery with it he engenders a new family of Conciliar bastards. Thus as one man can be the father of both a lawful and an unlawful family, so one Pope can at the same time be head of the Catholic Church and of the Newchurch. 

Secondly, as the family father has true authority over his true family but no true authority over his second family because it is not his true family, so the Conciliar Pope has true authority over all true Catholics but no true authority over the Newchurch with its Conciliar Catholics. And as the first family needs its true father, and both wife and children do all they can to bring him home, but he clings to his partner in adultery and to his illegitimate children who also do all they can to hold onto him, so each Conciliar Pope is still respected by Traditional Catholics who call upon him to do his duty by them, but he prefers Conciliar Catholics who have little real respect for him but who also hold onto him to cover their unlawful status.

And thirdly, as no true wife will accept to be put on the same footing as the adulterous partner that has supplanted her, nor will the true children (if they are mature enough) accept to be adopted by the false family and thus likened to the bastards, so Tradition is absolutely incompatible with the Newchurch, nor can true Catholics accept to be incorporated into it by any kind of sell-out or betrayal of Tradition. It is not for them to go whoring after their true father in his adulterous environment, even if he is their true father and they truly need him. It is for the father to return to his true family. Nor can the lawful children reasonably expect to bring their father home by joining him in his seductive surroundings. The much greater likelihood is that they too will be seduced. 

新教皇( "Newpope" )を二つの家庭を掛け持つ父親に例えたこの比喩は多くの点で効果的です.なせなら,教皇はその性格上,家庭の父親と同じだからです.だが,「あらゆる比喩は足を引きずる(訳注:必ずしもうまく働かない)」( "Every comparison limps" )といいます.(この言い方も巧みな比喩です).上の比喩で,どの足が悪いかと言えば,同じ父親を持つ二つの家庭の違いは実生活では完全に明白なのに対し,カトリック教会と新教会の違いは理論的に明白だとしても,双方が実生活でともに絶望的なほど密接に絡み合っているため,現実的には区別して考えるのがきわめて困難だという点です.
This comparison of any Newpope to a father of two families is fruitful on many more points becaue it is in the nature of a Pope to be a father. But « Every comparison limps » (another brilliant comparison), and the bad leg of this comparison consists mainly in the fact that whereas the distinction between the two families of the one father is perfectly clear in real life, on the contrary the distinction between the Catholic Church and the Newchurch, while perfectly clear in theory, is very difficult to disentangle in practice, because they are almost hopelessly intertwined in real life. 

To keep a Catholic head on one’s shoulders it is as necessary to know the clear distinction in theory as it is to recognize the desperate confusion in practice.



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本投稿記事・第441回エレイソン・コメンツ「家庭の比喩」(2015年12月26日付)"ELEISON COMMENTS CDXLI (Dec. 26, 2015) : "FAMILY COMPARISON" は2016年1月02日23時40分に掲載されました.
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