
440 救世主到来 12/19

エレイソン・コメンツ 第440回 (2015年12月19日)

The Saviour of the World lies on cold straw –
Great God, grant us to hurt him never more !

What a contrast there is between today's Christmas scene in the once Christian nations, and the prophecies of the Messiah to come, which are scattered throughout the Old Testament ! It is the contrast between the beginning and the end of those nations. It was the coming of Christ, prepared by the Jews over two thousand years, which through his Church forged those nations (Gentiles) to take up the service of God when the Jews mysteriously chose to abandon it. Today is the end of the time of those nations because they are now abandoning God in their turn. Let us remind ourselves of the glory and infinite greatness of the Messiah's mission, and of the seriousness of turning our backs on him, by a random selection from the hundreds of messianic quotes in the Old Testament:--

1.ダビド(紀元前1000年)- 救世主はユダヤ人たちによって絶縁されるだろう(詩篇・第22〈21〉篇7-8節).彼は異邦人たちを改宗させるだろう(詩篇・第22〈21〉篇28節).彼は苦悩の中で笑いものにされるだろう(詩篇・第22〈21〉篇7-9節).彼の敵たちは彼の手足を突き通し,その衣服を得るためくじ引きをするだろう(詩篇・第22〈21〉篇17,19節).彼らは救世主に酢を与え飲ませるだろう(詩篇・第68篇22節).
1. David (1000 B.C.) - the messiah would be disowned by the Jews (Ps. XXI, 7-8). He would convert the Gentiles (Ps. XXI, 28). He would be betrayed by a disciple (Ps. XL, 10). He would be mocked in His agony (Ps. XXI, 7-9). His enemies would pierce His hands and His feet, and cast lots for his garments (Ps. XXI, 17, 19). They would give Him vinegar to drink (Ps.LXVIII, 22).

2.イザヤ(紀元前720年) - 救世主は諸国を改宗させるだろう(第2章2-3節).彼はおとめ(処女)から生まれるだろう(第7章14節).彼は王たちから王の子として敬愛されるだろう(第9章6-7節).彼は先駆者をともない,その先駆者は人々が彼を迎える用意をするだろう(第15章3-4節).彼は温厚そのものだろう(第17章1-3節).彼は苦しみの人だろう(第53章3節).彼は私たちの罪を償うため自らの命を差し出すだろう(第53章5節).彼はけっして不平を漏らさないだろう(第53章7節).彼は悪人の数に入れられるだろう(第53章12節).彼は世界に君臨するだろう(第55章5節).彼の教会は,彼の配偶者であり,彼に数多くの子供たちを与えるだろう(第66章18-23節).
2.  Isaias (720 B.C.) - The Messiah would convert the nations(II, 2-3).He would be born of a virgin (VII, 14). He would be adored by kings as a child (IX, 6-7). He would have a precursor; the precursor would prepare the people for Him (XL, 3-4). He would be mildness itself (XLII, 1-3). He would be a man of sorrows (LIII, 3). He would give His life to expiate for our sins (LIII, 5). He would never complain (LIII, 7). He would seem to be a criminal (LIII, 12). He would reign over the world LV, 5). His Church, His spouse, would give Him a multitude of children (LXVI, 18-23). 

3.ホゼア(紀元前600年) - 救世主は彼の御父の命令を受けエジプトから帰るだろう(第11章1節).彼は諸国を改宗させるだろう(第2章19-24節).ユダヤ人たちは彼を拒むことにより世界中に散り散りになるだろう(第9章17節).
3. Osee (600 B.C.) - The Messiah would return from Egypt by order of His Father (XI, 1). He would convert the nations (II, 19-24). The Jews would be scattered throughout the world for denying Him (IX, 17).

4.ミカヤ(紀元前600年)- 救世主はベトレヘムで生まれ,神および人間として存在するだろう(第5章2節).彼は諸国を改宗させるだろう(第4章2-3節).彼は私たちのゆる(赦)しの秘蹟となるだろう(第7章18-20節).
4. Micheas (600 B.C.) - The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem and he would be both God and Man (V, 2). He would convert the nations (IV, 2-3). He would be our reconciliation (VII, 18-20).

5.ヨエル 紀元前600年)- 救世主は彼の教会に聖霊を遣わし,神の民は預言を行うだろう(第2章28-29節).救世主は権威をもって世界に審判を下すため訪れるだろう(第3章2節).
5. Joel (600 B.C.) - The Messiah would send the Holy Ghost upon His Church and the faithful would prophesy (II, 28-29). The Messiah would come to judge the world in Power (III, 2).

6.エレミア(紀元前600年)- 救世主の誕生は無実の子供たちの殺害により知らされ,母たちは嘆くだろう(第31章15節).彼は諸国を改宗させ,人々との間に最初の契約(旧約)より完全な新しい契約(新約)を確立するだろう(第31章31-34節).
6. Jeremias (600 B.C.) - The Messiah's birth would be known by the slaughter of innocent children for whom their mothers would weep (XXXI, 18). He would convert the nations and establish a new covenant with the people, more perfect than the first (XXXI, 31-34).

7.エゼキエル(紀元前500年)- 救世主はダビド王の家系から誕生するだろう(第17章22節) .彼はダビド家の王冠を受けるだろう(第21章27節).
7. Ezechiel (580 B.C.) - The Messiah would be of the race of David (XVII, 22). He would receive the crown of the royal house of David (XXI, 27).

8.ダニエル(紀元前500年)- 救世主はバビロン捕囚後のエルサレム再建布告から数えて490年後に到来するだろう.彼は美徳による統治を再興するだろう.しかし彼はユダヤ人たちに拒まれ処刑されるだろう.またエルサレムの神殿と市街は破壊されるだろう.そしてユダヤ人たちは永遠に孤立状態に置かれるだろう(第9章24-27節).
8. Daniel (500 B.C.) - The Messiah would come in 490 years from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem after. the Babylonian captivity He would re-establish the reign of virtue; He would be denied by the Jews and put to death; the temple and the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed; the Jews would be in a state of desolation until the end of time (IX, 24-27).

To read these quotes again is to be reminded how inseparable the Messiah was from his people, the Jews, and yet how they have separated themselves from him ever since. By him God raised a new people, chosen by faith instead of race, and now that people also is wallowing in materialism. Lord, grant us at this time of year to remember how he changed the world, and how, without him, it is changing catastrophically back.



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本投稿記事・第440回エレイソン・コメンツ「救世主到来」(2015年12月19日付)"ELEISON COMMENTS CDXL (Dec. 19, 2015) : "COMING MESSIAH" は2015年12月24日20時25分に掲載されました.
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